Innovation: Care for colleagues

Care for Colleagues give employees a helping hand in times of crisis.

By: Kelsey Meany

Most people turn to their family and friends in times of crisis, but when it comes to struggling with grief and pain related to patient adverse events, the best support often comes from those who have experienced the same problems — colleagues.

UF Health’s Care for Colleagues program is dedicated to increasing awareness about the needs of health care workers who face emotional trauma and grief following a patient adverse event.

Photo courtesy of ajusticenetwork.

Photo courtesy of ajusticenetwork.

Nurses, physicians, pharmacists and other health professionals involved in any unanticipated event can find support right in their place of work. The program consists of local support within the department, peer support and a referral network that can provide places to aid in recovery. Peer support and assistance is available 24/7.

Hospital personnel can sometimes feel personally responsible for the outcome of a patient. Staff members can feel emotional pain such as grief, isolation and remorse. Physical symptoms such as fatigue, muscle tension, sleep deprivation and increased blood pressure can occur as well.